e - Software.

Developing and deploying renewable energy software.

Control solutions and applications for distributed Renewable Energy Systems.

Pragmatic Value Add

New software to enable the application of
new technologies to renewable operations in the field.

Safety and auditing tools (WHS)

Maintenance and operations Software Applications across smart phone and tablet devices for in-field technicians (O&M)

Software abstraction layers to extract data and value securely to benefit existing customer groups, creating loyalty and stickiness. This allows innovation and value to be captured, stored and shifted in new ways. (Data management and Billing).

“We are doing to energy what the internet did to information”.


Technology Systems and Platforms.

“Consumers become producers. New platforms for trading new value.”

Electron trading platforms for renewable electrons from multiple producers to be used by multiple disruptive consumers. (Trading. The Economy of Energy and Things)

Adaptation and customisation of electron control (Plant management)

Systems and network integration and development (Electrical and IT operations).

Enabling value creation and realisation (Matching and predictive learning)

Applied mathematics and algorithm creation for battery storage. (Real world)

Machine learning and AI. (Continuous value improvement)


Systems integration and control.

Electrical and IT networks are converging with multi-directional flows of energy and data.

Electrical networks exist on the client-side and the grid-side. These now have renewable electricity produced and stored on site. They have two-way control systems which are integrated on the client-side and grid-side electrically and must be integrated into the client-side IT setup.

When electrons are traded across the gird, to a host of new destinations and users, new software platforms and enhancements are required. These incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning.

“Renewables are the centre of enormous convergence. Engineering, electrical, IT and computing are coming together to create the distributed “Energy of Things (EOT)”. Following on from the Internet of Things (IOT), we are in a most fundamental transition. We are creating the ‘Economy of Everything’.”

— Martin Oldfield, February 2021